× QuizTime Sunset: Dear QuizTime Admins, please be informed that this version of QuizTime will be unavailable starting June 1, 2025, due to VUMC compliance issues. An enhanced version will be available in October 2025. Effective immediately, we encourage that no new quizzes be built in QuizTime. If you have an urgent request for a quiz from now until October 2025, please email support@quiztimehealth.com. We have some available options and will address requests on a case-by-case basis. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

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Monthly Validation Testing
Available Jan 1, 2020

By Robert Bland - HealthIT Application Developme


This course is only for testing of the monthly system patching of the QuizTime environment.

Credits Info

No credit will be provided for this course - it is for testing purposes only

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Course Type:On Demand

Time to complete: 1 Day(s)

Total questions: 1

Number of Learners: 2