Remediation - Intuition / Thinking (NT) Function Pair
NTs tend to approach life and work in a logical and objective manner, and like to make use of their ingenuity to focus on possibilities, particularly possibilities that have a technical application. They often take an impersonal and analytical approach to ideas, information and people, and they tend to be less interested in situations that require a warm, sympathetic, and hands-on approach to helping people.
Looking at Type® – The Fundamentals pg. 53
Joey most likely prefers Intuition and Thinking (NT) as a core mental processing function. If NT is not your mental processing function, try flexing your style to recognize critique as a way to make the process better, not as a personal affront. People with NT preferences enjoy understanding how and why things work, possibilities, ideas, and theories. Consider flexing your style by presenting models and being willing to debate possibilities. Be prepared to question and debate perspectives.